Monday, April 3, 2017

I am very interested in depicting a story in a layered fashion instead of on a timeline or linear way of placing images. I would like to use translucencies and stack images where you can see hints and parts, yet others morph and merge together. I love the ambiguity, and to leave the viewer questioning and guessing, and then ultimately being able to make their own story and interpretation. As far as subject matter is concerned, I am mainly focusing on taking images outside of my bedroom window and showing the drastic changes I see throughout the day. It is very incredible how one day can look so different from the next. I also like the variety from night to day, sunrise and sunset, birth and death. I suppose my story is in a way "life". What that means to me or you is different and always changing. Time is interesting because you can not see it or hold it but it is real. It also means that you can never experience the same thing more than once. You can practice the same activity everyday, but when you factor in time, that activity will always truly be a different experience. I am also interested in the translucent aspect because in a way it is like a ghost image, an imprint, an idea, remnants... it is something that in its essence it is there, but in its physicality it is not truly there... it is my interpretation of what happens when we die.


  1. Your edit is well done. The colors are very nice. It has a mystical feel to it.

  2. Absolutely in love with the pink colors in this. I get a very moody feeling when I look at this, but then the colors open it up in the center.
